Energy Healing of Atlanta Blog

Suzanne Wistrick Suzanne Wistrick

Something Has To Change

Some of the best advice I’ve received in life that works like a charm is this: when you’re feeling stuck, shake things up!

In other words—get creative, change your routine, be spontaneous.

Change the frequency, so that new energy has space to move in and take shape.

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Suzanne Wistrick Suzanne Wistrick

When the Deck is Stacked Against You

If it feels like the deck is stacked against you, chances are your Energy is working really hard in the direction of CHANGE.

What feels like an external force or circumstance or sign to stay put could actually be YOU unconsciously finding reason to not move forward.

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Energy Balancing Suzanne Wistrick Energy Balancing Suzanne Wistrick

Fighting Darkness

Energetic vibrations and frequencies that connect us all are real. Interactions with darker energies are real. If you haven't noticed, Darkness seems to be getting ... well, darker. This means the Light needs an equally higher dose.

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Energy Medicine Suzanne Wistrick Energy Medicine Suzanne Wistrick

Energy of Winter and How To Harness It

Winter is a time of dormancy. It's a time for rest, repair, and inner reflection. Darkness takes the lead in our earthly environment, and we are designed to sink into it. Instead of making big resolutions, perhaps we should be harnessing the Energy of Winter differently.

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Stress Relief Suzanne Wistrick Stress Relief Suzanne Wistrick

In Search of Rest

Energy Healing is crucial to combatting stress and its effects. We do this in the form of energetic Rest. Not to be confused with sleep, numbing, or self-isolating, Rest is a reset. A pause. The return to a still point.

Rest is where we find space to breathe and be present with what is.

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Energy Healing Suzanne Wistrick Energy Healing Suzanne Wistrick

Healing Judgment

Judgment is a detrimental energy frequency to hold in our bodies. It destroys relationships and robs us of our peace. What if we could take a break from judgment to instead embrace nuance? What if the nature of Universal Energy allows for two realities to be true at one time?

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Energy Healing Suzanne Wistrick Energy Healing Suzanne Wistrick

Energy Healing to Boost Mental Clarity and Focus

Our hectic world makes it hard to keep a clear and focused mind. Many people deal with fuzzy thinking, trouble concentrating, and feeling drained. While several ways exist to tackle these problems, energy healing stands out as a powerful method to increase your cognitive skills and mental sharpness.

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