Something Has To Change
We all know the feeling and have been there at least a time or two.
Something—or everything—isn't working.
Maybe you're feeling stuck. Maybe Murphy's Law is in full effect, and it seems nothing goes right.
Maybe a train is coming that you can see and feel, but are powerless to do anything about.
We find ourselves getting pulled down into a new low; a spiral that feels bigger than us.
Here's the truth that we can all agree on: if nothing changes, then nothing changes.
So when we find ourselves in ruts like these, the first thing we must always do is shake up the Energy! It sounds simple, but it works.
Wake up and listen to music instead of watching the news.
Get outside first thing in the morning rather than look at your phone.
Take a weekend roadtrip somewhere that nourishes you.
Clean out a closet or rearrange your furniture.
Put yourself in new circles.
Indulge in a creative outlet—writing, design, cooking, singing, coloring with your kids.
How do I know this works? Because frequency precedes form.
Changing the Energy of ourselves and our environment creates space for something new to move in and take form.
The extent to which we are willing to shake things up determines the size of the ripple of change we get.
However, don't get stuck in the belief that only big steps will birth big changes. This leaves room to convince yourself that you are not in a position to take what you perceive as big risk. So then ... nothing changes.
Be kind to yourself. Start small if big is too daunting. You can literally start by driving a different route home everyday.