Something has to change. Perhaps you've tried everything, but nothing works.

New Client Energy Healing

Are you ready to heal what really holds you back?

Our New Client Energy Healing programs are designed for those deeply desiring a shift and ready to begin the journey toward real results.

Beyond modern medicine, cultural norms, religion, talk therapy, podcasts, and self-help—Energy Healing awaits.

You know something has to change. Perhaps you've tried everything, but nothing works. This points to dis-ease in the human energy field.

Energy Healing of Atlanta uses a grounded, comprehensive method for addressing each client’s unique energetic health. This approach unlocks the changes you seek and improves your life in unanticipated ways.

A complimentary consultation is required for all new clients.

Meet The Practitioner

Hi, I’m Suzanne—a transformational Energy healer. My work is designed to transform your life. 

Some of us are in a state of burnout that demands a new paradigm.

You’ve exhausted your resources—and you’re officially tired. The flag of surrender is waving.

That’s where my unique brand of energy medicine comes in. You’ll find no quick fixes here. Instead, we get into the weeds of your life together and walk the path of healing that allows you to reemerge into the world … whole.

Results are so magical, we might assume it’s Magic. But it’s not—it’s Energy.

Results include…

🌟 Triggers minimized

🌟 Potential unleashed

🌟 Sleep quality increased

🌟 Stress alleviated

🌟 Marriages salvaged

🌟 Romance reignited

🌟 Pain reduced

🌟 Divorce trauma healed

🌟 Self-love discovered

🌟 Forgiveness embodied

🌟 Habits unlocked

🌟 Moods stabilized

🌟 New love introduced

🌟 Careers expanded

🌟 Relocations offered

🌟 Work passion restored

🌟 Unhealthy relationships dissolved

🌟 Communication improved

🌟 Health revitalized

Client Testimonials

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “When I met Suzanne, I was in a low energy state which was unusual for me. Additionally, I was not in peak physical condition. Being an athlete, this was disturbing. My doctor was concerned with my cholesterol spike and insisted on a heart scan. I am happy to report that after 4 sessions with Suzanne, I am energized, full of vitality & blazing new trails! People comment on my energy. In fact my physicality has blossomed. Happy to report an absolutely normal healthy heart scan!”

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “The timing was no accident when a trusted friend and mentor mentioned her work with Suzanne Wistrick. At 51, I was searching, ripe for recalibration, and Suzanne has been precisely what I needed. I've been able to release deep layers of family-based guilt, move forward in multiple areas where I'd been stuck and better understand my own repeated patterns. My husband regularly mentions the shift he's noticed in me since I began my work with Suzanne. Not only are the actual energy healing sessions wonderfully powerful, the incredible insight Suzanne shares in her written follow-ups has been life changing. HIGHLY recommend this practitioner!”

Choose Your Program

New Client Intro (4-6 weeks) ⎮ $950

Ideal for those who are looking for a taste of what’s possible with Energy Medicine and are ready for a reboot.

  • Must be completed within 6 weeks and includes the following:

    • Three, 2-hour Energy healing sessions (in-person or virtual)

    • Comprehensive email summaries to recap your sessions

    • Personalized home practice tools designed to support your progress

    • Text/email support

    Payment Plans available

New Client Intensive (3 months) ⎮ $2400

Ideal for those who have been suffering for a prolonged period of time and desire substantial and sustained change.

  • Must be completed within 3 months and includes the following:

    • Five, 2-hour Energy healing sessions (in-person or virtual)

    • Comprehensive email summaries to recap your sessions

    • Personalized home practice tools designed to support your progress

    • Goody bag of supplies for energy clearing, momentum, and protection

    • Two, 1-hour Zoom coaching calls for questions, education, and support

    • Text/email support

    Payment plans available

What To Expect In A Session

Each in-person or virtual session begins with a brief check-in to talk about how you’re feeling and what needs addressing. Then the work begins—either lying comfortably on your back or sitting in a chair. Very little to no physical touch will occur, although many clients report experiencing physical sensations during sessions. The practitioner’s hands will be working in your Energy field while verbally guiding you through a series of Energy healing techniques.

Upon session completion, clients have reported feeling “layers lighter,” energized, sleepy, euphoric, or in need of time to reflect. 

It is recommended to refrain from large crowds, avoidable stress, or mind-altering substances in the 24 hours following a session.

This work is for you if…

  • You know something in your life needs to change.

  • You’ve tried other wellness modalities, but without lasting results.

  • You’ve tried educating yourself to improve your quality of life, yet you remain stuck.

  • You know there is more to life, but aren’t sure how to get there.

  • You desire deeper knowledge and freedom to express your authentic self.

  • You are new(ish) to Energy healing and desire a practical, grounded approach for incorporating this work in your life.

  • You are open to being honest and vulnerable and ready to look at what’s holding you back.

This work is not for you if…

  • You are not connected to a clear need for change in your life.

  • You are seeking a one-time experience with healing energies.

  • You are willing to try Energy healing in hopes of a quick-fix.

  • You are not willing to look at the unconscious role you might play in your current challenge(s).

  • You don’t have any spare time in your personal life to focus on healing.

  • You aren’t open to seeing yourself and the world differently.

Take The First Step

Schedule a complimentary Zoom consultation. You get to share a little bit about yourself, ask questions, and receive personalized insight.